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HL Sea Glass Jewelry

Marbles and marbles Galore!

Updated: Nov 9, 2021

Everyone thinks marbles are so very rare. Here is a handful of some of the sea glass marbles I have found in the last several years. I wish I had pictures of all the marbles I have found walking the beach, I have actually found over 20. I've found them to be more common than red sea glass. And orange sea glass, I have yet to find any in all the years I have beachcombed.

There are many reasons why marbles end up in the waters. They are not only a child's toy!

They were used by painters to help mix paints, similar to the theory when you shake a paint can today...

Marbles were also used to ballast a ship crossing the seas.. the ship crashes and sinks and so do all the marbles and they make their way on the beaches.

In England they used marbles as a bottle stoppers back in the 1800's.

Marbles were more than just child's play back in the day, now they are a piece of history washing up on the beaches! you never know what you will find when you beachcomb!

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